Hosting a wedding at your home can be a great way to save on the cost of a venue. However, the savings do come along with a bit of extra work. You’re going to need to put in a lot of effort to get your home ready for hosting a successful wedding. As you make your plans, keep the following tips in mind.Wedding-proof the HouseYou’ve probably heard of baby-proofing and pet-proofing a house. Wedding-proofing is a similar concept. Consider what type of event you are going to be having. If there is going to be lots of music and drinking, you may need to put away any fragile decorations that may get bumped and broken. Your home will likely be full of visitors, some you may not even know. It’s a good idea to safely store any valuables in a place where they can’t be found by untrustworthy fingers. After the ceremony, there will be a lot of mingling going on. Make sure that you arrange the furniture to allow for crowds to move around. Speaking of furniture, you may want to put down some covering...
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